Time wasters


“Time is Money.”

But today’s generation wastes a lot of time doing nothing. There are certain things you don’t know and no one has ever told you about them which has been wasting your precious time from a long ago. Today, I am going to tell you 9 things in which you are wasting your important time, with solutions. So try to learn from your mistakes and save your time.


1. Trying to please everyone

Steve Jobs once said, “If you want to make everyone happy, don’t be a leader, sell ice cream”.

You waste a lot of our time in pleasing everyone. You want everyone to be happy with us. We always do the things according to the preferences and choices of others. You try to keep your parents happy, your friends happy your girlfriend happy, your colleagues happy. But have you ever succeeded in it? Think about it and I am sure your answer would be no.

Pleasing everyone
Pleasing everyone

Because its impossible to keep everyone happy because one thing which one of your friend like maybe the others don’t like, and you waste a lot of time in maintaining a balance between both of them. Just to keep both of them happy but is it worth?

Solution – Think it like this if one person stops talking to you there are 130 crores more people in India itself to talk to you. So why to care about whether someone is happy with you or not. If someone is really important to you he or she will understand your situation and will help you towards your purpose and will not waste your time.

2. Waiting for the right time

As Jim Rennard says “We are just waiting. The time is always right or never right”.

The biggest problem with our generation is that it keeps waiting for the right time to come. I know you may also waiting for such time as well. The right time to start your study, the right to think about your life, The right time to learn a new skill, The right time to start a new business, The right time to say stop watching porn, The right time leave social media. The right time to start saving your money. But have you ever got that time? You know the answer is “No”.

And you know what, you have also wasted a lot of your time in searching for that right time. As someone said  “Stop waiting for the right time. Time isn’t waiting for you.” If you would have started to do things earlier then you might be a long way ahead today but you are not because you were waiting for the right time.

Solution“The best time to start something was yesterday and the next best time is right now”.

So start doing and stop thinking because if it is a wrong time to start then also you will be ahead of millions because they were also searching for the right time. And even if you have started at the wrong time then also you will complete more than 20-30 % of your task the next time you realize whether it is the right time to start or not.

3. Complaining

“If you don’t like something, Change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. But don’t complain.”

Complaining is one of the favorite things that we like to do to waste our time. I can’t score much because I am not so smart. I can’t do anything in that God has made me like this only. You know that you are complaining about the day you were born but does it had made any difference in your life. The answer is no. But you have wasted a lot of time in doing that and you are still complaining about this blog, I know. But accept the people and things as they are. Try it once, You will find the world a great place to live. And your life will be the happiest.


“Instead of complaining that the rose bush is full of thorns, be happy the thorn bush has roses.” 

Solution –  Remember if you have a lot of problem with something so just don’t complain about it, take action and change it. For example, every person, even the most stupid one have opinions about the politicians. They are corrupted and a lot. But if you have so much problem with them then stand up. And take actions and change the whole scenario. And if you can’t do that don’t complain. Because you have no right to blame them if you yourself can’t do something about it.

“If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.”     

4. Living in the past

“The two things that prevent us from happiness; Living in the past and observing others “.

We have a habit of remembering our worst time again and again from the past and just simply waste our time. It also stops you from doing new things because you were failed in the past. It stops you to trust people just because someone betrayed you in the past.

Living in the past
Living in the past

But tell me one thing can you laugh at the same joke hundreds of times. Then how can you feel sad for a single bad experience you have faced in the past. And if you observe closely that bad experience has made you a bit stronger than what you were. The only thing which is stopping you is yourself.

Solution  –Stop living in the past and remember “whatever happens happens for its best”According to Steve Jobs theory, you can’t connect the dots until you go ahead of them. Each experience whether bad or good has its own importance in your life, but you can’t observe that until you move forward.

“The longer you live in the past the less future you have to enjoy”.

5. Searching for the Excuses

“If it is important for you, you will find a way. And if not you will find an excuse.”

We love to give excuses for the things which we don’t want to do or can’t do. But excuses are never worth. No one is going to hear your excuse. Excuses will not make you successful only hard work will. Even before starting a new work we started searching for the excuse in case we will. And we focus more on finding the perfect excuse rather than finding the perfect plan to succeed. It is the biggest reason why we fail.

Searching for the excuses
Searching for the excuses

Solution –  “Excuses are lies we tell ourselves so that it doesn’t have to be our fault.”

But let me tell the most important thing. No one gives a F*CK about your excuses. People will make fun of your failure, no matter how great is your excuse. So instead of focusing on the excuse, we should focus on the success and start working towards it


6. Being Around Toxic people

“Don’t let toxic and negative people rent in your headspace. Raise the rent and kick them out.”

Toxic people are those whom you might have heard of saying ” to wo karke konsa teer mar Diya usne”, To usse kya hoga, Koi matlab nhi y sab bakwaas h” . These are the people who will let you grow and succeed. You can’t learn anything from them and they will let you also to do so. They have an excuse for everything. It is a total waste of time to hang around with them. Because you become what your friends are. The surround in which you spend your most of the time is very important. Because they have a huge impact on you.

Toxic people
Toxic people

Solution – To become super productive in life you have to delete such people from your contact list. It is better to spend most of your time with the people that make you feel uncomfortable just because you will get to learn a lot from them. Being with toxic people is a total waste of time.

7. Thinking about “what if”

“Stuck between f*ck it and what if”

What if… are the two words with endless possibilities. Instead of searching answer the answer of what if, search the answer to what if not. You know, you have not started thousands of things just because of this “what if ” but later on you regret when you will meet people who have started that work instead of this question. Thinking about what if is a total waste of time.

Thinking about what if
Thinking about what if

Solution – “Better an oops, then what if .” Just remember this quote and start working because it’s always good to say it didn’t work instead of regret. And the sooner you start the more you will be.

8. Comparing Yourself to others

“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.”

You should never compare yourself with others just because everytime you compare yourself with someone you insults yourself. And you know what your reaction to someone who tries to insult you, you fight with them, abuse them and stops talking to them. Then why in your case you behave leniently? It should not be done.

Comparing yourself with others
Comparing yourself with others

Solution – “Comparing is an act of violence against the self.”

Don’t compare yourself with anyone. They are different and you are different. Your name, Your identity, mental abilities, interests, grasping power, amount of success and the day of success. So, be yourself and become better than the person you were comparing yourself.

9. Worrying about what others will think –

“What will people think, this sentence has killed more dreams than anything else in this world.”

Suppose if you would fail in life, then will these people feed you? will these people give you home? will these people take care of your comfort? The answer is no. Then why to bother what others will think. It’s their job to think about others.

What will people think
What will people think

Solution – As someone said, “Small mind discuss people, big mind discuss events and great mind discuss ideas”. Thus it’s their nature to think and discuss other people and being a great mind you need not to worry about that. The only person who’s opinion matter about you is you yourself.T hat person is the most important for you just listen to him/her only.

Sandeep Maheshwari said “Sabse bada rog, Kya kahenge log”.So don’t give a f*ck about others opinion. Just be yourself and listen to yourself, rest things are waste of time.

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  1. I think that the article is really good and everyone should read it as it is the main problem of our generation.I think that by reading this everyone will have a new perspective etowards their lives and start working on themselves rather than looking towards what others will say about them .just love this post

  2. I really like the content of this blog the thing is all the points mentioned in this blog are correct in their respective way .
    Really like the content

  3. I liked the content mentioned above and it is true although it consists of facts happening in the life I really liked the content.

  4. This article is really motivational for us, the topic which are discussed in this, is the fact of our life. We are wasting a lot of time to think, if we will do that work instead of thinking so one day we will achieve our goals.

  5. So true I like the fact which says never live in the past. It is really motivating for this e who always think about what people will say .

  6. This article Very well portraits our current generation thinking, we should follow the solutions providwd for each problem, and try to rectify ourselves for better future.

  7. These are some of the most important things any person should look forward to. Great content and very informative and focused.

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