Reality of our Education System

Schools turning millions of Students into Robots

Albert Einstein once said “Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Today’s schools not only make fish climb the tree but also makes them climb down the tree and do a 10 mile run. Tell me schools are you proud of the things you have done ? Turning millions of students into robots.Do you find that fun ? Do you realize how many kids relate to that fish? Swimming upstream in class, never finding their gifts thinking they are stupid, believing they are useless.

Our Education System
Our Education System

Well the time has come no more excuses. I call schools to the stand and accuse him of killing creativity individually and being intellectually abusive. He’s is an ancient institution that has outlived his usage.

I will prove my point with a simple demonstration

You have seen the modern day phone here is a modern day phone

Modern day phone
Modern day phone

And here is a phone 150 years ago, and big difference in it , right?

Phone used 150 years back
Phone used 150 years back

Here is a car today we are using

Modern day car
Modern day car

And Here is a car 150 years ago, big difference right

Cars used 150 years back
Cars used 150 years back

Here is a classroom of today

Classrooms Today
Classrooms Today

and here is a classroom we use 150 years ago

Classrooms 150 years ago
Classrooms 150 years ago

No ain’t that a shame? In literally more than a century, Nothing has changed. Yet you claim to prepare students for future. Really ? Do you prepare students for the future or the past ?

I did a background check and you know what ? Schools were made to train people to work in factories. Which explain why you put students in straight rows, nice and neet. Tell them to raise your hand if they want to speak. Give them a short break to eat and eight hours a day. Tell them what to think. Make them compete to get  A Grade. A letter which determines product quality. Hence Grade A meet it and I get it.

Reality of our Education system
Reality of our Education system

The  previous time was different. But today we don’t need to make robot zombies. The world has progressed. Now we need people who think creatively, Indicatively, critically, independently. With the ability to connect.

See every scientist will tell you that no two brains are the same. And every parent with two or more children will confirm that claim. So please explain why you treat students like cookie cutter frames or snap back hats. Given them this “one size fits” all crap.


If a doctor prescribed the same medicine all the patients the same prescription, the results would be tragic. But when it comes to schools this is what is happens . This educational malpractice where one teacher in front of 50 kids, each one having different strengths, different needs, different gifts, different dreams. And you teach the same thing the same way, that’s horrific. This may be the worst criminal offenses ever to be committed.

And let me  mention the way you treat Your employees  that means teachers. Its a shame the teachers have the most important job on the planet yet they are under paid. No wonder so many students short changed.  lets be honest, teachers should earn as much a doctor. Because a doctor can do a heart surgery and save the life of a kid but a great teacher can reach the heart of a kid and allow him to truly live his life.

Underpaid Teachers
Underpaid Teachers

See teachers are the heroes that often get blamed but they are not the problem. They work in a system without many options or rights. Curriculum are created by policy makers. Most of which have never taught a day in their life. 

Just obsessed with the standardized tests. They think Bubble, a multiple choice question will determine success. That’s ridiculous. These tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned. Don’t take my words. Take Fredrick J Kelly the man who invented standardized testing,who said and I quote ” These tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned.

Standardized tests
Standardized tests

If we continue down this road the results will be lethal. I don’t have much faith in schools but I do have faith in the people.  And if we can customize healthcare, cars , face books pages and t shirts, then it is our duty to do the same with the education. To upgrade change revive again the school spirit .

Unless we are working to bring the out of each and every student that should be our task. No more common core instead lets reach the core of every heart in every class . Sure Math is important but no more than Art and Dance.

Lets give every child, a  gift and equal chance. I know this sounds like a dream but countries like Finland are doing impressive things.  They have shorter school days and teachers make a decent wage. Home work is non existent. They focus on collaboration instead of competition. 

kids Living their dreams
kids Living their dreams

Their educational system, outperforms every other country in the world. Other places like Singapore are succeeding rapidly.  School like Montessori, programs like Khan Academy. There is no single solution. But lets get moving because while students may be 20% of our population but they are 100% of our future. So lets attend to their dream And there is no telling what we can achieve.

This a world in which I believe a world where fish is no longer force to climb trees.

Comment “I agree” in the comment box, if you agree with me.

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