a student anxious due to exam



We all have faced similar kind of situation in our life. “STRESS” what if this part is asked? What if I forget this? What if I studied for the wrong exam? And, it’s Brother “ANXIETY” the trickled beads of sweat, trembling of hands, palpitations, and breathlessness. Such is the situation during and before the 3 hours of the exam! Don’t you all agree? But, these 3 hours are the most important and will decide your result.                                                                       Image source: www.fearof.net

Exams do check our memorizing power, but, what if we aren’t able to recall what all we have learned? What if our hard work all around the year doesn’t give the fruit you wanted to yield? What if you know the answers and are not able to put it down? And what is the reason for all this? ANXIETY! YES, ANXIETY.

Today, I would like to share a few relaxation techniques with you all to make these three hours worth it!

1. Breathe:

Yes, Breathe! Breathing helps your body to calm. It releases stress from your body. It allows you to focus on yourself. First and foremost you need to sit comfortably with your back straight.

Image source: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/breathe/ibpopdkehcdnfkjmaiimnmekhihekfja

Inhale through your nose and exhale from your mouth, repeat the process till you feel relaxed.

2. Count backward:

Count backward for Ex. 99, 98, 97, 96…… and so on.

Image source: https://www.shutterstock.com/ja/video/clip-5457881-stock-footage-golden-digital-number-countdown-to-zero-with-rotating-circle-on-black-background.html

Start from any number you feel comfortable from and don’t stop counting until you feel better. This will help you relax and focus on the task at hand.

3. Positive thoughts:

Inculcate positive thoughts. Sit back. Relax. Take the task in step by step. Reward yourself with an appreciation for what you have done. This will help you recall what you have studied and also allow you to have more space for thinking and giving your best to the process.

Image source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/266064290469821254/

Other few things which might help make the examination process are:

Revision: revise prior to the examination, do not learn anything new. Just revise what you already have learned and already know. Make pointers to make revision easier.

Eat: never go to an examination on an empty stomach, It might result in weakness and less concentration during the exam.

Sleep: get yourself a good night’s sleep, so that you are up refreshed in the morning and don’t feel sleepy during the examination due to overnight exertion.

So these were some few tricks to help you get through the gateway of exams! Hope they will help you in some way or other.
Exams do not define our future, but they surely play an important role in it.

So do well, take a chill pill and go for it.

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